Tag Archives: planning

keep your draft reviews on track

Draft reviews & how to stay on track

When you send a draft out for review, everyone wants the review to go well. But things can go off the rails after that.

A successful review process begins with getting all sides to see the same goal. Then, it uses communication that is unifying and respectful to set the stage for consensus.

Here are three ways to keep everyone on track to “yes:”

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get fresh answers in your interviews

Executive interviews & how to get fresh answers

Strong writing has to start with a strong message.

Often, your leaders and experts provide the message. You can interview them to uncover fresh perspectives that make the message more vibrant.To help the message stand you, you can interview them to uncover striking facets that help the message shine through.

Interviewing is a learned skill, from crafting insightful questions to fostering real dialog. Here are three ways to get answers that are fresh and engaging:

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